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Get plugged into the latest Be Strong Families news, initiatives, and blog articles — all central to creating transformative conversations that nurture the spirit of family, promote well-being and prevent violence.
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Statement from Be Strong Families
We’ve been struggling to know what statement Be Strong Families should make in response to events of the past week. We called an impromptu meeting yesterday at 5 pm Central for our staff and our consultants to check in with each other, to remind us of resources available to assist with processing what’s going on as part of our EAP program, and to try to co-create a Be Strong Families public statement. We were on for two hours, listening, witnessing, acknowledging, appreciating, and supporting each other. We encourage other organizations to do the same.
Focusing on Resilience in a Stressful Time
Last week, my organization, the Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP), released two new Strengthening Families resources in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the stress that families and service providers are currently facing: One for parents and caregivers, the other for providers who work with families.
Supporting Parents, Teachers, and Administrators with Remote Learning
So much is changing as we as a nation react and adapt to the COVID-19 quarantine. One major shift has occurred in education. Schools from elementary to post-secondary have closed their doors. Young children are learning from home. Parents are now tasked with facilitating their children’s education in all subjects, at all grade levels. Teachers and administrators are having to acclimate to an online curriculum, and to less interaction with their students.
Family Storytelling
This week our blog is short. We want to encourage you all to be intentional now about the stories you’re telling and the stories you’re making with your family.
Invitation to AMPlify
…Now, that humming has grown faint and more of us are hearing societal questions that demand answers. As Be Strong Families thought about how to act, we realized that what we do best—develop transformative conversations that nurture the spirit of family, promote wellbeing and prevent violence could be an important contribution. By doing this, we could allow people to experience the emotional safety needed to share their feelings, gain support from each other, and brainstorm strategies and solutions to keep their families safe and strong…
Family Support on the Frontlines of the Pandemic
What are Family Resource Centers (FRCs) doing during the COVID-19 pandemic? It’s a question I’ve been asked often over the past month, and it’s one that has a very simple answer: continuing to support and strengthen families – as always. “That’s not a good answer,” said a respected colleague who directs another national organization. “If you say that, people won’t realize all that they’re doing or how they’ve pivoted.”
Gym Rat Battles His Inner Couch Potato…and Wins
Sheltering at home and social isolation has been difficult for me. COVID-19 has brought about myriad lifestyle adaptations I’ve had to make over the past month. While acknowledging the plight of others may be more acute than the experience I’ve endured, I can only speak from my own experience. Some of the lifestyle changes I’ve endured are physical isolation from friends and family, wiping down my groceries with Lysol when I get home, and not having access to a gym.
Social Distancing: An Extrovert’s Kryptonite
Social distancing has created a void in my day. I miss the energy that people, and crowds bring into my life. I have tried a range of different social media platforms to connect with people—Duo, Zoom, Facebook Messenger, and FaceTime. While these have certainly helped, I still have a yearning for more. Each day I try to fill this void with a home improvement task, or even work, but my energy level is still low. It feels like the scene in Superman, when he first faces the green colored crystal that absorbs his energy. That substance is Kryptonite.
All Together in Isolation
I’m calling out to you world! This is really weird. Have you ever experienced anything like this? I’m sitting here trying to be normal (and I’m not doing such a bad job!), while the news changes and updates, and the world basically closes up shop. I mean…this is really weird.
Pulling Inward and Staying Together through the Pandemic
Who remembers the TV public service announcement growing up? “This is a test of emergency broadcast system. This is only test”. A long, annoying sound and then… “if this had been a real emergency you would have been given information and instructions”. I always wondered as a child what a real emergency was and what the test would be preparing us for. I didn’t know that the system was tied to what was perceived as the largest global threat in the 60s, 70s, early 80s — Nuclear War. Thankfully, nuclear war didn’t happen. The real emergency never surfaced, and we weren’t given instructions to head to the nearest bomb shelter (wherever that might have been).